Reinforcing Overdose Prevention through Training and Advocacy (ROPTA)


Getting and using naloxone

In Maryland anyone can get naloxone (brand name Narcan®) at a pharmacy without a prescription. This medication is used to safely and effectively reverse an opioid overdose. Hands-on training courses are available throughout the State of Maryland.

Maryland Department of Health

General Education

The best way to stop the misuse of addictive substances is to prevent dependence from happening in the first place by building an awareness and understanding of the potency and risk of misusing licit and illicit drugs. Prevention programs include educational videos, presentations, and other materials for children, teens, young adults, and professionals alike. Community-based education efforts in Maryland, for instance, encourage people to talk regularly with their doctors and pharmacists, make healthy decisions, and store and dispose of medications properly.

Before it's too late

Before It’s Too Late is Maryland’s statewide effort to bring awareness to the rapid escalation of the heroin, opioid, and fentanyl crisis in Maryland–and to mobilize all available resources for effective prevention, treatment, and recovery before it’s too late.

Prescription Storage and Disposal

All prescription and over-the-counter medications should be stored in secure locations. Old or expired medications should be properly disposed of on a regular basis.
Pills, powders, liquids, ointments, or medications administered via an inhaler, or a patch may be turned in to approved collection sites. All should be sealed in a plastic bag before dropping them off.

Safe Prescribing Practices

This section of the MarylandROPTA website is designed for physicians, prescribers, pharmacists, and others interested in accessing resources and continuing education opportunities for safe prescribing of opioids, patient assessment and care, and pain management.