Reinforcing Overdose Prevention through Training and Advocacy (ROPTA)

Our Work

Maryland Reinforcing Overdose Prevention through Training and Advocacy (ROPTA) is a University of Maryland Extension (UME) initiative that offers a wide range of trainings, materials, and programs to address the overdose crisis in Maryland. ROPTA strives to strengthen Maryland's capacity to combat the substance use and mental health crises by educating, empowering, and training communities to respond to mental health and substance use challenges through no-cost, evidence-based programs and public outreach.

Feasibility Study of a Virtual Pilot Program to Address the Socio-Emotional Learning Needs of Rural Youth During the Covid-19 Pandemic.

Stigma Pollutes our Thinking.

Increasing Rural Capacity to Identify, Respond to, and Address Opioid-related Needs for Prevention through Extension Research and Outreach